How to Move in the Midst of COVID-19

No matter the circumstances, it seems there is always an element of anxiety when it comes to moving - anecdotally, it seems Murphy’s Law likes to present itself especially in the midst of a relocation. However, particularly right now, a residential or commercial move is exceptionally hard given the current health crisis we’re facing. In many cases, it’s not as though moving plans can be delayed or cancelled – most were made long before we ever thought we’d see ourselves in a situation like this one.

With that said, we wanted to offer some guidance to anyone with an impending move. If you’re not in a position to cancel or reschedule your plans, what steps can you take to protect yourself and others?

Of course, there’s no way to completely banish risk altogether – at the end of the day, we still have to go on living our lives – but with more caution and care for things we didn’t necessary have to think about before COVID-19.  Below are some extra measures you can and should take while moving:

  • Plan and prepare for potential mishaps so that you can avoid any unnecessary exposure, i.e. making additional trips to the store for supplies you didn’t stock up on in advance, such as tape or bubble wrap. For an in-depth breakdown of recommended moving supplies, check out our recent blog on this topic.
  • On top of your usual moving gear, consider including special supplies which can offer added protection such as gloves and/or a mask – just be sure to use these items correctly, otherwise you could actually put yourself at a higher risk. For a breakdown on how to properly don and remove gloves/masks, see this helpful article.
  • With regard to the above point, please note that gloves and a mask are not meant to replace the usual recommendations for protecting yourself – always practice frequent/thorough hand washing and avoid touching your face.
  • Avoid any unnecessary touching of high-traffic areas/objects such as surfaces, doorknobs, elevator buttons and light switches. If you don’t have gloves, use your jacket sleeve or a fresh paper towel/napkin to open a door. Use your car key to press an elevator button. Be creative and always ask yourself, “can I avoid this somehow?”
  • Forego acquiring help from anyone outside your immediate household (with the exception of a professional moving company as most have special protocols in place to mitigate the risk of spread). We at BBX Moving have implemented new procedures to safeguard the health and wellbeing of our clients as well as our employees.
  • If renting moving boxes/crates, do ask about the cleaning practices of the company you’re considering before making a commitment – for information on our disinfecting procedures in regard to reusable boxes, please visit our COVID-19 information page.
  • Perform a deep clean of the new space once you’ve successfully completed your move.

In any case, use common sense to protect yourself and those around you. Maintain a respectful distance from others, wash your hands often and feel confident knowing that you’re doing your part to help flatten the curve!

If you do require any assistance with your commercial or residential move, we are here to help. Give us a call for more info or visit our website.

On behalf of all of us at BBX Moving, we wish you good health and a stress-free move!