Safety Precautions and Recommendations in the Wake of COVID-19

As for most businesses, we at BBX Moving feel that it is our responsibility to address and discuss all the ways this pandemic has affected our industry and subsequently, our protocols.

There is new information coming in every day surrounding the details of COVID-19, and we are doing our very best to stay up to date for the sake of the health and safety of our clients as well as our employees.

While there are many industries and positions which can continue production from home, there are still some physical operations that must move forward as planned, such as commercial and residential moving. Deals must still go forth, contracts must be signed and timelines must be met, regardless of the current health crisis we’re all facing. With that in mind, we’re here to ensure moving is one less thing to feel anxious about.

There are several changes we’ve made to our procedures in order to maintain a safe work environment and avoid the spread of COVID-19. Some of these changes include:

  • Implementing the use of a stronger chemical cleaning agent to disinfect and sanitize our reusable moving boxes. We have always made sure to clean and sanitize BBX Moving Boxes, even before the COVID-19 pandemic - however the solution we have recently started using is much stronger and more concentrated. You can rest assured all reusable boxes are thoroughly cleaned prior to and following every commercial/residential move
  • Ensuring no working employees have travelled outside Canada for 2 weeks prior to a shift
  • Any employee showing symptoms will not be permitted to work and is strongly encouraged to quarantine at home for the mandatory timeframe as recommended by Canada’s health officials.
  • The use of masks and gloves while on the job
  • Avoiding entering the premises wherever possible – this is mandatory for residential moves (we will deliver boxes to your door or the lobby of your building) and encouraged for office moves
  • Practicing responsible social distancing by trying to limit our moving teams to 2 employees per truck – if additional movers are required, they will travel by separate vehicles
  • Using common sense tactics such as avoiding unnecessary touching of surfaces/doorknobs/light switches etc.

Although we at BBX Moving are doing everything we can to protect ourselves and others, we must all work together to mitigate the risk of spreading this virus. There are a few things we ask of our clients to help us achieve this:

  • We ask that you elect 1 person only to be on-site for the day of your move
  • Please let us know if you or the person you have designated to be on-site is not feeling well – we are not charging cancellation fees at this time and will be happy to reschedule your move. We ask that you recognize the seriousness of this request and be respectful and upfront so that we can all remain safe and healthy
  • Please designate a washroom with hand soap for our employees to use
  • Though we appreciate the gesture, we kindly ask that you not provide our employees with food/beverages – they have been instructed to bring their own
  • Please ensure there is a dedicated elevator for our moving team’s exclusive use – if an elevator is not reserved in advance, we may be forced to cancel the move and you will be subject to a minimum fee
  • Please allow us to do our job as efficiently as possible in order to limit delays/exposure time by making sure we are in the know about all things pertaining to your move, i.e. building buzzer codes, special instructions, main point of contact 
  • Employees are instructed to make every effort in maintaining physical distance while moving – this may slow the process and we ask that you be patient with us during this time

    BBX Moving is committed to protecting our movers and valued clients. By implementing these protocols, we can be confident that we’re doing everything we can to uphold that commitment.

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns pertaining to an office or residential move.