BBX Moving COVID 19 Response FAQ

Cleaning and Sanitizing of BBX Moving Boxes


Cleaning and Sanitizing of BBX Moving Boxes

BBX Moving Boxes have always been cleaned and sanitized prior to every rental without any exceptions even before COVID 19. Each BBX Moving is fully and individually cleaned. We are using a more concentrated formula. You may smell chlorine which is from the stronger disinfectant being used.


Delivery and Pick Up

  • None of our team have travelled outside of Canada for the last two weeks nor are they showing any symptoms. Anyone that does not meet these criteria will not be allowed to work.
  • Our staff will be wearing gloves and masks for your protection and ours.
  • We will bring BBX Moving Boxes to your door but not inside your home. If you live in an apartment, we will meet you in the lobby.
  • For offices and commercial spaces, delivery and pick up will be as per usual. However, if we can avoid stepping into the premises please let us know.
  • BBX Moving Boxes come on wheels so the boxes are easily moved. If you have any mobility issues, please let us know during the 24-hour confirmation call. We will assist as much as possible.

Moving and Installations

  • Only 1 person at site during move day. Designate only 1 person on move day to be with our team.
  • If you or the designated on site person is not feeling well prior to move day, please reschedule your move. We will ask you this during the 24 hour confirmation call and won’t charge any cancellation or rescheduling fees if it is within reason.
  • Please designate a washroom with hand soap for our team to use.
  • Elevators must be locked off for our exclusive use only. We may cancel the move if elevator reservations are not made. Minimum charges will apply in this case.
  • Please do not provide our movers with food or drinks. We will bring our own.
  • We will do our best to work while keeping our distance. This may slow down the process. Please be patient.
  • Our team will be wearing masks and gloves. Gloves may be taken off to handle certain pieces if necessary.
  • To practice social distancing, we will do our best to only have 2 movers per truck. If your move requires more movers, the team will be coming in multiple vehicles. This additional cost will be reflected in the rates.
  • If our team finds the move environment to be too dirty, too crowded or if anyone is showing symptoms or not cooperating, we may stop the move and reschedule. Please respect this decision if we must make it.

We hope that these measures will keep everyone safe. Please contact us with any questions. It is our privilege to serve you during this difficult time. We look forward to moving you soon.

– Sincerely,
The BBX Moving Team

Professional Staff

Timely Delivery

Satisfaction Guaranteed