How to Declutter and Pack for Your Vancouver Move

Packing for a move doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With some planning, decluttering and BBX Moving re-usable moving boxes, prepping for your Vancouver move will be a breeze. We’ve put together some tips to help you pack for your move. If packing isn’t your thing we recommend our friends at Vancouver In The Box.

1. Pack Ahead Of Time

Save yourself from moving day stress by packing ahead of time. Starting by packing the stuff you definitely won’t need until you move helps open up space in your home to start cleaning and makes organizing your packing easier. You should start this almost as soon as you have decided to move.

2. Think Hard About What You’re Moving

Most people’s first instinct is to just start packing and not deal with making decisions about getting rid of things. You can save money by carefully choosing to get rid of any household items that you no longer use or items that are cheap and easy to replace after you’ve moved. Take a hard look at items like appliances and electronics. If you’re looking at something that is past its prime and will need to replaced soon anyway, you should ask yourself whether it’s worth moving at all. Craigslist is a great place to post these items to find someone else who will make use of it and reduce your waste. Save yourself the hassle and stress of a trip to the dump with any furniture items and hire a company like BBX Moving to recycle it. We try to recycle as much of the furniture as we can.

3. Sort The Items You're Keeping

Once you have separated the stuff you’re getting rid of and the stuff you’re keeping, you'll want to go through everything once again to sort your belongings into specific categories. For example, all books should go together, all items of clothing, all toys, etc. All things in the same category can be placed together in the same moving box.

4. Go Room By Room

Next, label and place several of your moving boxes in every room. Kitchens, bathrooms, and bedrooms; every space should have its own small supply of containers. This is a great time to systematically go through your designated starting space and begin packing items up that you will not use again before the move. Storing these unnecessary items is a great way to make a big impact on the task at hand without completely disrupting your day-to-day lives.

5. Start With Packing Materials You Have On Hand

When packing your items, start by using packing materials on hand. Dish cloths, towels, sheets, and clothing are all great to use as padding for fragile items. Suitcases and duffle bags also make great substitutes for moving boxes, helping you save them for your the more fragile and important items. Use pots and tupperware to pack your small items, this helps you maximize the space you have in your boxes. Keeping clothes in your dresser can be easier to move than packing them separately.

6. Use Tape To Make Sure You Don’t Lose Items That Go Together

Simplify your unpacking and set up by taping screws for disassembled furniture to the back of the furniture. Pack cords and cables in empty rolls from toilet paper or paper towels and tape them to the equipment they go to, so you won’t have to hunt for them later.

7. Take Pictures of Electronics Wiring

If you have complicated wiring for your entertainment system or desktop computer, take a picture of it before you tear it apart for packing, to help you set it up faster in your new home.

8. Use Small Boxes For Heavier Items

Save the smaller boxes for heavy items like books to make carrying these boxes to the moving truck or van easier.

9. Pack Your Plates Vertically

Don’t stack your dishes horizontally. Instead, wrap them in packing paper, bubble wrap or any fabrics that you have available then gently place them into a box on their sides like records, and fill the empty spaces with packing to prevent cracking and breaking.

10. Save a Box or Cooler Box For Freezer Items

If you can, avoid buying groceries before your move to save on having to move them and so that you can clean your fridge ahead of time. Pack any remaining fridge and freezer items last and in the same box. This will keep them cool for as long as possible.

Save yourself the stress of packing with these helpful tips. To completely avoid the stress of packing hire a professional packing service who’ll do the packing and moving for you!