10 Questions to Ask Before Moving in With a Roommate

Whether you’re moving places or moving out for your first time, with the cost of living on the rise, you may have considered searching for a roommate to help you  keep your costs down. When searching for a roommate, you want to make sure the person you are sharing your space with is someone you can trust. But more importantly, finding a person you will get along with. You want to approach this as if it was an interview. To help you, we have compiled a list of questions you should be asking your potential roommate. 

1. What Are Your Cleaning Habits

Each of us has our own level of cleanliness, organization, and habits that are a part of our day to day routines. When moving in with another person, if these expectations collide, it could lead to feelings of frustration and an imbalance of responsibility between yourself and your roommate. This conversation is important because you can get a feel for if their cleaning habits match well with yours. You should be asking about their daily routines, how often they do their dishes, what ones do they like/dislike, cleaning their bathroom, etc, and discuss the possibility of a cleaning schedule for both of you to follow. 

2. How Often Do You Cook At Home

Whether you both are takeout warriors or enjoy cooking yourself a gourmet meal, sharing the same kitchen and utensils can be tricky when living with multiple people. Asking about how often they cook, and if they have any food restrictions is a great way to understand and find common ground for using the kitchen. It gives an opportunity to talk about grocery shopping together and cutting costs when necessary to help each other out.

3. How Often Do You Have Company

Nothing can be worse than feeling uncomfortable in your own home. You may be more extroverted and really okay with having your friends over all the time, or roommate having company over but everyone has different limits. It’s important to understand your own, and your roommates feelings on having company over, and if they're in a relationship as well. From there you should discuss setting boundaries so both parties are happy in the household. 

4. How Early Do You Have To Wake Up? What is Your Daily Schedule 

When asking your potential roommate this question, you want to get an idea of what their average day will look like. This includes questions such as, what time do they usually wake up, are they working from home, what time they go to bed, etc. The last thing you want is to have clashing schedules or end up spending too much time at home together. As much as you may enjoy your roommate's company, having some alone time is always important. Finding a roommate who's schedule balances well with yours is the best solution for harmony. This may be especially important in the mornings where there is a chance you could be fighting over who gets to shower first, which is a fight nobody wants to have before their morning coffee. 

5. How Do You Feel About Pets or do you already have a pet? 

This question could be the deal-breaker. If your potential roommate already has a pet, first, you need to make sure the building you live in allows pets and any regulations or fees that come along with it. If you're an animal lover and are excited about the pet, it may be a good idea to meet the pet  first and see how well you and the animal get along. If you have an allergy to dogs or cats, then this may be where the interview ends. If not, then it's good to ask about expectations and responsibility. Most likely, the owner will be one who takes care of everything, but this is also an opportunity to have a co-pet parent relationship to help care for the animal. 

6. How do you plan on paying rent?

When it comes to paying rent, you should ask your potential roommate if they are employed or what is their source of income. Asking this question will reveal how much you can trust them to be able to pay rent when it's due. You want to ask if they have ever not been able to pay rent and why. It's good to get these kinds of questions out of the way, so you don't end up being left dry when it's time to pay. 

7. Do You Smoke or Drink?

If your potential roommate is a big partier, and you're more of a Netflix on a Friday night kind of person, this can cause some unwanted conflict in your shared place. If your roommate smokes, it is important to talk about where smoking is allowed. For drinking, if they like to stay out very late or host, it's important to set boundaries around this and have an open conversation about what is expected. 

8. What Are You Looking For in a Roommate

This is a good question to clear the air and switch the focus onto your roommate's needs. A potential friendship could be in the works,  so it's good to know how they are feeling and if they think you guys will be a good match. 

9. What Are Your Pet Peeves 

If you have lived with anyone else, there are always some habits they have done that may get right under your skin. We all have pet peeves, and it's important to hear them out and lay down some boundaries that will accommodate those needs. Asking this can also reveal how comfortable living with this person will be. If the list is too long, this can be problematic, and the last thing you want is to feel constantly on edge in your own home.

10. Are You Friends With Your Old Roommate

If you're building trust with a person, these questions will be a revelation about how they were as a roommate, and if you should trust them. There may be a rift because of the other person's behavior. If your new roomie is not on good terms with any of their past roommates and doesn't want to talk about it. This could be a serious red flag. Listen to what they have to say about the situation and let it play a crucial part in your decision making. 

With all that in mind, finding your perfect match should be a piece of cake. When the time comes to start moving in, picking the right moving company is also an important decision to make. BBX Moving offers rental boxes along with packing and residential moving services. Choose a more sustainable way to move and click here for more details on our services.