Mid-Night Move!

On a cold winter night, about a week before Christmas 2015 our crews moved in on a bank and started working away!

Although we were not performing a bank heist we had to plan every single detail of this move and execute it so well that it felt like a secret operation comparable to the Italian Job - except we had 5 - tons instead of Mini Coopers.

Our client was a bank that had one of their branches in a shopping mall. We were given very clear instructions on the security, confidentiality and the very tight timeline of this move. We had to move their computers, desks, servers, contents and safes.

The client did a great job of being well prepped and prepared for us. The moment our crew arrived on site, there was no time to waste. Everything was dismantled, computers were wrapped and everything moved out into the trucks. We even had security escorting us every step of the way.

Moving out from destination as a synchronized convoy we arrived at the new destination ready to unload. We worked alongside another company and helped them maneuver the ATM and ginormous Safe in to the new office. After the last chair was placed at the exact spot and servers booted back up, our clients were open for business at their new branch by the next business day 8 am sharp!