Things To Consider When Moving In With A Roommate

Many people assume that the most stressful thing about a move is the move itself. They strategically plan their transport by renting moving boxes in Vancouver, setting aside enough time for packing all of their personal possessions, and line up vehicles to take all their stuff to their new residences. However, when living with a roommate, they quickly realize that a successful move requires more than renting the best moving boxes in Vancouver.

If you're moving in with a roommate, it's all about communication. Have a conversation on these critical topics before the move in order to truly make your new residence an actual home sweet home.


Knowing whose bedroom is whose before you move is a must. Is your roommate assuming she will get the bigger room simply because she found the place? Do you think you should have the room furthest away from the kitchen because he works early/late shifts? Iron out these details before the lease is signed to get things started on the right foot.


Discuss how you will manage all of the bills beyond paying the rent. Will you split everything 50/50? Does it make more sense to divvy up specific bills to one person? Whatever you decide, honor it. Make sure bills get paid on time so there are not subsequent nag sessions where you and your roomie don't have to spend time arguing about bills.


No one likes spending a day dreaming about a delicious leftover meal, only to find out your roommate devoured it. Set grocery rules and expectations together so everyone feels valued, respected and most importantly, well fed.


Visitors and overnight guests can be a major speed bump on the road to roomie harmony. Even if you are both single at the time of moving in, it's critical to setup some general guidelines and expectations as soon as you join residential forces. The talk should include significant others, but you should also address friends and family visiting expectations as well.

Here at BBX Moving we can't solve your roommate problems, but we can absolutely solve any of your moving box dilemmas! Contact us today to hear about our premium moving boxes in Vancouver.