Cheap Plastic Moving Boxes: A Better Alternative To Cardboard

Moving, even a short distance, brings with it stress, uncertainty, and the need to make countless choices. One of the biggest decisions you will have to make before relocating is whether you should opt for cardboard or cheap plastic moving boxes.

Cardboard Is Common, But That Doesn't Mean It's Better

Many movers don't even realize that they do have a choice when it comes to the type of boxes they will use during their move. They assume that cardboard represents their only option. Yes, cardboard is common, but that doesn't mean it's better. For movers looking to minimize stress and inconvenience throughout the moving process, plastic moving boxes are an ideal solution.

Benefits Of Cheap Plastic Moving Boxes

If you're not sure what to use for your upcoming move, you will want to consider some of the impressive advantages offered by cheap plastic moving boxes. When choosing plastic for your relocation you will enjoy:

Sturdy Construction

Your personal effects deserve safeguarding as they are transported to your new home. Plastic boxes provide a sturdy construction that won't fail due to all the variables you may encounter throughout the day. Bad weather, a rough ride, or even being dropped; you will enjoy the added peace of mind that comes with knowing your belongings are protected.


Using cardboard means you will have to find enough boxes for your move. Once you've moved, you will also have to find a way to get rid of all the boxes. Not with plastic moving boxes. A qualified rental company will drop them off at your current home and then pick them up for you once your move is complete.

No Assembly

Most cardboard boxes require assembly of some sort. However, plastic bins come already shaped and ready for packing. You'll appreciate all the time you'll save when you start tackling your packing.


Unlike cardboard boxes that may get crushed, plastic bins are built for easy stacking. You can stack them as needed in your moving vehicles to minimize the number of trips needed to make your relocation complete.

Do you want to hear more about our cheap plastic moving boxes? Contact BBX Moving today!

Here at BBX Moving we can't solve your roommate problems, but we can absolutely solve any of your moving box dilemmas! Contact us today to hear about our premium moving boxes in Vancouver.