Get It All Done (Without Stress): Create Your Moving Timeline

Moving to a new home in Edmonton can prove stressful. However, it doesn't have to be. Putting together a moving timeline can help keep you focus on your to-do list and allows you to get to your next home sweet home with minimal stress and inconvenience. Before putting together your checklist, you will want to secure the proper equipment to get your move off to the right start. Start with securing moving boxes in Edmonton. Work with a professional service that will help you determine how many moving boxes you will need so you will have all the boxes you need ready to go.

Once you have your moving boxes, you should create a checklist that includes:

8 Weeks Until Move:

  • Put together your "moving folder" where you'll keep all necessary paperwork and notes.
  • Begin going through your belongings; sort into keep, recycle, and donate piles.

7 Weeks Until Move

  • Purchase other necessary packing materials.
  • Pick a date for a garage sale; it's the perfect way to make some money and get rid of other items that you won't need in your new home.

6 Weeks Until Move

  • If you have children, now is the time to notify schools; work with the school to get copies of your children's school records as well as enroll them in their new school district.
  • Contact your doctor and dentist to have all medical/dentistry records transferred to practices in your new neighborhood.

4 Weeks Until Move

  • Now is the perfect time to begin packing up any items that you won't need or use from now until moving day; label your moving boxes accordingly so you know where they should be placed in your new home.
  • Begin closing out any utility services and informing your providers of your new address.

2 Weeks Until Move

  • Pack, pack, pack! This is when you should make the most headway in getting your belongings ready for the big move.
  • Make arrangements for someone to watch your pets during the move.
  • Begin going through your food (both perishables and pantry items) to have as little as possible to take with you.
  • Notify your bank and post office about your new address.

1 Week Until Move

  • Properly dispose of cleaning supplies, paints, and other items that won't be going with you.
  • Pack a separate overnight bag of "emergency items" that you'll need quick access to during the move.

Day Of Move

  • Clean out pantry, empty fridge and freezer.
  • Do a final walk through of home to make sure everything has been packed.

BBX Moving plastic moving boxes can play a key role in your next stress-free move. Contact us today to discuss your needs with one of our specialists.