Moving To Edmonton? Top Things To Consider

There are many great reasons to move to Edmonton. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Canada, the city has excellent recreation options, efficient transit, and a diversified economy. So while the move is well worth it, getting there, like any move, can be fraught with stress and inconvenience. It's important to put together a plan to make your move to Edmonton a positive experience from start to finish.

The first thing to consider on your moving list should be to secure moving boxes in Edmonton. Don’t entrust your belongings to flimsy cardboard boxes. Work with a reputable firm that specializes in heavy-duty moving boxes in Edmonton. These durable packing boxes allow you to safely store and transport your possession to your new home. Best of all, plastic moving cartons are virtually weather proof. No matter what Mother Nature has in store, you will have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you and your family's items will arrive dry and safe.

Other Considerations During Your Move

Once you have the packing part managed, there are other things to consider in order to make your move to Edmonton as seamless as possible. Now is the time to contact all of your current utility providers and alert them that you will be ending your service. If your current providers serve the Edmonton area, you will also want to set up service at your new location. If not, contact utility vendors in the Edmonton area and coordinate turn on dates so you arrive at your new home with essentials such as electricity and heat.

If you have children, you will also want to contact the local school system to inform them of your impending arrival. Have updated doctor's records as well as current immunization data ready so you have all the paperwork in place for your students' entrance into an Edmonton classroom. Speaking of paediatricians, now is the time to determine if your current physicians won't be an option for you after your move. Find local dentists and doctors and have all of your records transferred to a new provider if necessary.

Managing just these few simple steps can make your move so much less stressful. You and your family can arrive at your new home ready to explore and enjoy everything that Edmonton has to offer. Contact BBX Moving today to discuss your relocation and learn more about our assortment of premium moving boxes.