3 Tips To Make Your Upcoming Move Eco-Friendly

An upcoming Halifax move not only creates stress – it can also create excess and waste (which, in turn, often adds to your stress level). Fortunately, it is possible to make your upcoming move a sustainable, eco-friendly experience. Follow these three tips to ensure your relocation is as environmentally sound as possible.

Tip #1: Rent Plastic Moving Boxes In Halifax

Eliminating brown cardboard boxes is a major first step in going green with your upcoming move. Cardboard boxes often end up in a landfill after a move has happened. Don't risk your boxes spending an eternity in the trash; rent plastic moving boxes in Halifax instead. Plastic storage containers are made from premium quality, recycled plastics. Additionally, when you rent plastic moving boxes in Halifax, you send your bins back to the moving company once your move is over, so they can be used again (and again, and again) for other movers.

Tip #2: Recycle And Donate

Once you've decided to rent plastic moving boxes in Halifax, it's officially time to begin packing. Going through all your things is a perfect opportunity to make your move sustainable. Rather than throwing away all of the things you'll never need or use, think of ways to repurpose and recycle them. Donate old clothes, toys, and games. Give items away to family and friends. Or, find a new use for something to ensure it stays out of the trash. Keep your throw away pile as small as possible to make your move environmentally friendly and keep your new home clutter free.

Tip #3: Buy Second Hand

Of course, moving to a new home doesn't just mean purging items; it also can often mean purchasing items to fill up your new space. If you do find that you need to buy furnishings and fixtures, check out thrift and second hand stores. Used items often means less packaging materials and less waste. Bonus benefit? Used items can potentially save you money throughout your move.

Are you looking to rent plastic moving boxes in Halifax? Contact BBX Moving today to learn more about our option for high-quality storage bins and containers.